Easter: The feast of the Resurrection and its importance in the Christian faith

Dear friends of “Treasure of Heaven”,

Easter is the most important time in the Christian calendar. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a central event in the Christian faith. Today we'll explore the deeper meaning of Easter and why it is so essential to Christians around the world.

Origin of Easter

The holiday of Easter has its roots in the Jewish Passover, which commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. For Christians, Easter marks the end of Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday and includes Maundy Thursday (the Last Supper), Good Friday (the crucifixion of Jesus), and Holy Saturday.

The Resurrection of Jesus

Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his crucifixion. According to the Gospels, Mary Magdalene and the other women discover that the tomb is empty, and Jesus appears to his disciples, proving that he has conquered death. This event confirms that Jesus is the Son of God and offers the hope of eternal life to all believers.

Theological significance

The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith. It proves that Jesus has the power to overcome death and sin, thus offering redemption to humanity. For Christians, Easter is a celebration of hope, renewal and the victory of life over death.

Easter traditions

Easter traditions vary around the world, but they generally include religious services, prayers, singing, and Bible readings. The Easter Vigil, celebrated the night before Easter Sunday, is a particularly significant moment, marked by the lighting of the Easter candle, symbolizing the light of the resurrected Christ.

Easter symbols

There are many symbols associated with Easter, each having a particular meaning:

  • The Easter egg : Symbol of new life and resurrection.
  • The Passover lamb : Represents Jesus, the Lamb of God, sacrificed for the sins of the world.
  • Easter lily : Flower symbolizing purity, innocence and resurrection.

Application in our daily life

Easter invites us to reflect on our own lives and our faith. It is a time of spiritual renewal, where we are called to renounce sin and embrace new life in Christ. The resurrection reminds us that, despite difficulties and trials, there is always hope and a new chance offered by God.


Easter is much more than just a celebration; it is the heart of our Christian faith. By celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, we affirm our belief in eternal life and the victory of good over evil. May this Easter be for each of us a source of joy, renewal and inspiration.

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories and reflections on our wonderful Christian tradition. See you soon on “Trésor du Ciel”!

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